
Welcome to the website of Côr Dinas, the Women’s Choir of the London Welsh.

Take a look around the site, learn a little more about the choir, and please do send us an email if you would like to join us, invite us to sing, or simply get in touch about something.

Croeso i wefan Côr Dinas, Côr Merched Cymry Llundain.

Mwynhewch y wefan, dysgwch am y côr, ac ebostiwch ni i ymuno â ni, i’n gwahodd i ganu, neu i gysylltu a’r côr.

Amdanom ni | About us

Founded in 2010, Côr Dinas is a singing community and a home away from home for its members, who enjoy the opportunity to sing together, meet new people, and keep in touch with old friends.

Wedi’i sefydlu yn 2010, mae Côr Dinas yn gymuned gorawl ac yn gartref oddi cartref i aelodau’r côr sy’n mwynhau canu gyda’n gilydd, cwrdd â phobl newydd, a chadw mewn cysylltiad â hen ffrindiau.

Who we are

The choir is mainly made up of members of the London Welsh community, but we welcome any women who are open to our particular brand of Welsh pride!

The choir is led by: its committee, chaired by Sian Eleri; its accompanist, Robert Russell; and its conductor, Andrew Cusworth. Andrew, Robert, Sian, and the choir’s assistant conductor, Helena, work together on the choir’s musical direction, and Sian leads the committee in the administration of the choir, its finances and social life.

Robert is a wonderful pianist, Andrew is a professionally trained choral conductor, and between them they have decades of experience in working with musical ensembles and getting the best out of them.

What we do

We meet most Mondays in the Borough Chapel to rehearse for performances that take place regularly throughout the year: we sing for special services at the Chapel, partly to thank them for allowing us to rehearse there, and partly to contribute to the London Welsh community it supports; we take part in competitions such as the Panceltic Festival and the National Eisteddfod; and we usually find some other fun things to do, also, such as singing on the pitch for the rugby, or an annual carol service at St Botolph’s.

Our rehearsals are lively affairs that combine sociable interludes with intensive work on our sound, our voices, and the music we are learning. We like to chat and catch up with each other, but when we work, we work hard, and aim high.

You can find out more about the things we do on our news page.

New times, new faces

We are always open to new members and, as we emerge from two years of stop-start activities and virtual music-making online, we are especially keen to welcome new singers into our choir.

The choir is a warm and friendly community. It is vibrant, diverse, and you never quite know what will happen next. As a choir, we aim high; at the same time, we know that a choir is greater than the sum of its individual voices: we do not audition our members, need you to be the most amazing solo singer, or expect that you should be able to read music.

If you like the sound of the choir, get in touch with us at to find out about joining.
